Monday, June 7, 2010

Life....or something I want it to be

I lost the baby back in October.....left my husband in december (or the town we lived in and he chose not to come with) and now I miss him terribly and I have a huge gaping hole in my heart and so much has happened. I cry myself to sleep at night. I moved to better my family and though in some ways it did, in others it didnt. I realize where WE both went wrong and we can fix it...but he doesn't want to live with me just yet. I don't think I have ever felt so hopeless....or helpless.... Lord please give me strength.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thank You, My Jesus!

I have lots of thoughts to put out there but I just can't get over how badly my tongue hurts. The hubz is passed out (poor thing worked 430am-700pm), I'm watching Glee on DVR and being pregnant and having the munchies I went scouring the house for something...and I found some jerky that my father in law made and it is HOTTTTT! So I popped in some Raspberry Orbit and now it is feeling better. So I just wanted to give a shout out to our wonderful Lord and savior! I admit that I don't attend church as often as I should, but I teach my child about God, and I trust and Love the Lord and I let others know it. He has blessed us with a second child (whose heartbeat we get to hear on friday if all goes well...pls pray for us!) I found out today that I got a new job at Pinehurst Surgical Clinic (super great job/benefits!)
and now all we need is for my husband to find another job. He makes piddles for working crazy hours as an assistant manager at Wilco/Hess. Not to mention Id really like for us to both to work in the same county (moore) and live there as well. Hoke county is the armpit of north carolina as far as im concerned. the school system sucks! there are just so many things i dont like about many things that didnt cross my mind at 22 when we bought this house. I pray the Lord's will be done, just as I did after my interview. The Lord knows what's right for our family. All we can do is sit back and wait:) So that's my shout out tonight!

Ps not sure who reads this since I hardly ever update...but as far as names go... What do you think of Olivia Kathryn or William Andersyn?

until next time...

Monday, September 14, 2009

pamp chef recipes for helen

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Priss Pot

I made a new outfit for Gracie today. I haven't sewn in a few months and I was kinda missing it so this is what came out of my withdrawals. Then I go to put it on her so that she can model and she won't smile for ANYTHING.....anything except for "poppy"! What a spoiled little thing! She is a very blessed child to have so much love around her. I thank God for her every single day. I don't remember what my life was without her. Please comment. Let me know what you think of the outfit.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

....I always was horrible at "journaling"...

Hi, yeah, so I'm not very good at this. I'm at home all day with Gracie and still can't find time to update my blog. Pretty crappy, huh? Since nothing of importance has happened since my last post, I shall update everyone on whats happening in our near future. We are leaving NEXT Wednesday for Bama to see our family for Thanksgiving. We are sooo stoked. I haven't spent Thanksgiving with my dad's side of the family in YEARS...and i do mean YEARS! We haven't even been down since last Christmas, so nobody can see how much Ms. Priss has grown and progressed. She's absolutely perfect....even since shes learned how to open her drawers (and bring her clothes into the den)...I wouldn't have her any other way. I love that child more and more every single day. Whoever knew that so much love could be possible. I am so in love. William and I have decided that we want our kids three years apart we will start trying after (1) We continue to go to the gym and lose weight and (2) Gracie's 2nd birthday We are hoping for a little boy, but whatever the Lord gives us, if anything, is fine and dandy:). Alright, Ill end with just some snaps of Gracie. Hope all is well with everyone.

'Mere Nana !!

I can almost reach it mommy!!

Where did the train go , mommy?

Trying to take a picture at Nana's her new squeaker sneakers...

Playing in the leaves at Mimi's house

Sitting in the van waiting for Daddy to get off work... Still wearin' her new boots.

Nana got Gracie some cowgirl boots and she refused to take them off before bed. :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Whitley Photography

I have been trying to do a bit of photography on the side since I've been staying at home with my baby girl. Please check out my photography blog at and please comment!!


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

We Love DUKE!!

I know it has been awhile since I posted, but I just had to put this picture on here. We have been wanting to take this picture for awhile, but never had the chance really. I think she's soooo adorable, but I suppose I am a bit biased. So, without further adue (sp?).... My beautiful DUKE cheerleader!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Update Time!

I can't believe that it has been three months since I updated my blog. I have been a stay at home mom since the beginning of May and I Love it! For now I am concentrating on getting my house just like I want it, then I am going to start working on getting stock together for my store (all handmade by me) and I am also still doing photography on the side. Maybe one day I will save up enough to get a digital SLR like I have always wanted!! It will also make my job easier and cheaper. William lost his job again becuase it was only seasonal work, but he is now working at a place that makes kiosks (like in the middle of the mall)and he seems to like that alright. I just hope it lasts a little while. He applied for this other job that is going to be really good so say a prayer that he gets it. It will probably be nights but at least its only like two miles down the road. Anyway I am going to attach pics as usual. Enjoy.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Gracie's First Birthday!

I can't believe that my baby girl is a year old! One year ago was by far the happiest day of my life when we welcomed our sweet beautiful baby Gracie into the world. She has been the most amazing gift that the Lord has ever given us. We are so blessed. She is so wonderful. It has been so fun experiencing the world with her. So many milestones. I thought the best day of her life (for me) was when she learned to hold her bottle by herself hehe. Pretty soon it's going to be when she starts walking. She can stand up and she can furniture walk ,but I think it freaks her out when she tries to walk by herself. It will be soon though. Anyway, here are some pictures from her birthday party. And let me tell you...she racked up!

The Whitleys

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Harris Lake Park

So we went to Harris Lake Park a couple weeks back. I am doing photography on the side now and we were there to take pictures of a family friend of ours. It went well, but while we waited for them to arrive, we took pictures of this gorgeous baby girl ( I don't sound biased do I? hehe) She has the most shocking blue eyes I have ever seen. I can't believe she's gonna be a year old in 13 days!! Anyway, pictures to follow. To see my very amateur photography work go to


ps the swimsuit picture was from our savannah trip in january.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

An update

Our first Christmas was wonderful. Gracie, of course, got more toys than she could possibly ever need or use. We took a trip to my dad's after Christmas and he made her a gorgeous toy box to hold all of the aforementioned toys. She is so spoiled, but that happened long before she was even born. I thank God everyday for sending this little person to ME. I couldn't ask for more. I am adding some various pictures from the past month. Sorry I haven' t updated sooner. Hope everyone has a very happy and joyous 2008.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

We met Santa!!

So Mommy, Nana and Papa took me to see Santa at Hanes' Mall in Winston-Salem on the way to get our Christmas Tree in the mountains. I loved every single minute of it. While we were waiting for Santa I even held myself up and played on the fence. I am getting so big! I always want to be standing up in the middle of the action. I am eight months old today!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Ok guys, here's an update. I really want to do better, I just get soo busy. We went to Virginia last weekend, we were gonna take christmas pics, but we decided to wait a few more weeks and we still took some of gracie in one of her like 5 outfits. we also have my most favorite pic of her duke outfit! She is getting so big guys. She got her first tooth on halloween. She never wants to be still...or laying down (except for naptime). She was at her Nana's this morning holding herself up with the window sill and trying to walk the lenth of it, still holding on. I bet she walks before Christmas. She is going to be into everything! Since she has her tooth, she wants nothing to do with baby food. She wants whatever you're having. She even wants to sip out of a big cup. She hasn't quite grasped the sippy cup concept yet, though. Anyway, here are some new pics. Oh please pray for my best friend Kara and her husband michael. They are starting to try for a baby. They are a great couple and they would make wonderful parents. Plus, Gracie wants a cousin...!!
Oh yeah one more thing.. Gracie had her first christmas cookie last weekend..and it got alll over her!

i apologize for the sideways pictures. i rotated them a million times like they were supposed to be, but it wouldn't upload correctly.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Another Milestone